Formal Student Complaint Form

Western Michigan University is devoted to your success and happiness as a Bronco. Whether you're in Kalamazoo, studying abroad or enrolled in one of our Extended University Programs, WMU is here to assist you with any complaints, concerns or problems you may encounter as a student. The University tracks, monitors and evaluates the student complaint process in order to make institutional improvements where needed.

Before filing a complaint through the form below, consider thisÌýofficial definition of a complaintÌýas you decide whether to use this form:

Any concern that WMU has violated a law, policy or incorrectly applied an established practice. Complaints may be academic or non-academic in nature. Complaints do not supersede or replace misconduct or grievance procedures already in place.Ìý

Also take note of these more specific complaint procedures and forms that may be applicable to your situation:

If any of the above resources do not apply to your situation, please use the form below to submit a complaint.

Submit a Complaint

Any student may make an anonymous report without disclosing their name, identifying the parties involved, or requesting any action. An anonymous submission of a complaint may limit the University’s ability to respond or take further action and will be taken as a "report only" complaint.

If you haven't yet attempted to resolve the problem directly, read this:
The Office of the Ombudsman encourages every student to try and resolve issues directly with those that are responsible for creating the issue. For example, if you believe your professor has violated a university policy, you should speak with them before going to the department chair, college dean, or Ombudsman. If you take this route and receive a resolution that is not fair, reasonable, or satisfactory, then come back to submit this form.
If you're not sure who is responsible for solving this problem, read this:
If you are unsure who is responsible for solving the problem you have, read through all of the resources listed above and see if any of them are appropriate for your situation. If not, please continue on to fill out the form.
Definitions of complaint categories are available by clicking the link just below the categories.
(Please know that it can be difficult to resolve complaints if involved persons cannot be asked to explain or respond to your complaint. Retaliation of any kind is strictly prohibited and should be reported.)
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